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The pro-vaccine rhetoric makes me sick


Renew America

by Cynthia Janak
February 9, 2011

By Cynthia A. Janak

I have not written in over a year due to my own experience with a doctor (which I now call snake oil salesmen) who prescribed an antibiotic, I believe inappropriately, without reading my chart or talking to me first. This happened when I was in the hospital for a brief time in the beginning of December of 2009. Within 6 hours I started to experience swelling and extreme pain in my left hand making it difficult to use a fork or anything. The doctor dismissed this swelling as I must have hit my hand. In two months after leaving the hospital the swelling and pain came back with a vengeance and affected my feet, hands and other parts of my body. This was not a good time.

During the last year because of this I have researched and read many scientific papers and studies to ascertain why this could have happened to me. What I found was amazing and informative and a topic of future articles. So, I changed my diet to a degree and in time the swelling and pain subsided for the most part. It has also brought me closer to the debate about autism, HPV vaccine injuries, other diseases and their causes.

Now that I am back from my forced hiatus I am going to rebut an article posted on Bloomberg, February 7, 2011, by Amity Shlaes. The title is “Parents who don’t vaccinate children make us sick.” I thought this article was funny in a sad way because crucial information was left out and the comments she made. Let me start.

In the beginning she talks about parents and how we are hardwired to respect their decisions with child rearing. Here is the first quote. “We gave them a job to do, so we should let them do it.” Unfortunately, her article is anything but what she states here.

I believe that she fails to understand that children do not come with an owner’s manual so as parents it is our responsibility to use our own experiences and research via inquiry or reading books, articles, etc. to determine what is best for our own children. Those parents should be commended for doing just that and taking responsibility.

Shlaes admonishes this group of concerned educated parents as being “treacherous.” This is what she said, “The treacherous group is those parents, predominately those of some financial means, who refuse to vaccinate their children.”

She also believes that “poor parents are more sensible” and touts this statistic as proof “report that 91.2 percent of Medicaid children receive the measles-mumps rubella vaccine.” These parents usually are more concerned with putting food on the table and a roof over their children’s head. They do not have the luxury of being able to do the research or buy the books to become informed on this issue. They have to rely upon the opinions of doctors (snake oil salesmen) and the media.

What is really going on here is that “those parents, predominately those of some financial means” took an extra step to do their own research. I believe they wanted to find out for themselves if there was any truth to the debate over Autism and vaccination. The truth is that this educated, “treacherous” group of parents either does not vaccinate or limit the vaccines their children receive with a modified vaccination schedule.

Let us examine why this might be happening. Could it be that they found the research that references aluminum is a neurotoxin and has the potential to cause brain damage or neurodevelopment disorders? Do you think they heard, at some point in time, Bill Gates reference vaccines and reduce population growth in the same sentence? Another reason could be that they know a family whose baby was developing normally and when that baby received a vaccination regressed and was diagnosed as Autistic? We do not know their reasons because these questions were never asked by Ms. Shlaes.

Every day we listen to individuals with PhD’s, MD’s, and other consonants behind their names because they are educated. Why are we not allowed to listen to other educated individuals who do not have the education designation after their name? Instead, this class of educated individuals is berated, called names and other designations by the media and pharmaceutical companies (who stand to make a profit). Interesting.

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